Nature's Answer to Inflammation and Immunity

Discover the Power of Colostrum




100% Natural Formula. No Prescription Necessary
Third Party Tested
Gluten Free
Science Backed
Grass Fed
Soy Free
No Hormones
or Antibiotics

"If I had to pick one supplement that is truly most important to overall gut health, I'd pick the only nutrient known to us - the one that plays the entire symphony to balance inflammation - COLOSTRUM."

-Dr. Tom O'Bryan

The Power of Colostrum for Immunity and Gut health

Start your health transformation from the ground up with Colostrum. It works to protect and rebuild your body’s defenses against everyday challenges, fostering resilience and wellbeing.

Are you often finding yourself feeling run down, grappling with digestive discomfort, or just not feeling as well as you’d like?

Colostrum, often called nature’s first milk, is a powerhouse of immune-boosting and gut-health enhancing nutrients.

It’s no secret that recurring infections, inflammation, and digestive troubles can take a toll on our daily life. These issues can lead to decreased productivity, difficulty in maintaining our fitness, and a general feeling of being ‘under the weather’.

This is where Colostrum can help. Its immune-boosting properties work to strengthen our defenses against bacteria and viruses. The gut-health enhancing elements can help repair the intestinal lining, promote beneficial gut bacteria, and improve nutrient absorption – easing those troubling digestive issues.

But it’s more than just that. The growth factors in Colostrum can help with healing and rejuvenation, possibly boosting your physical performance and energy levels.

100% Natural Formula. No Prescription Necessary


Dr. Tom and Dr. Andrew Keech talk about colostrum serving size.


Understanding the Power of PRPs

PRPs, or Proline-Rich Polypeptides, are tiny proteins that play an essential role in how our body reacts to different situations. Think of them as a highly adaptable communication system inside your body.

When our bodies experience high levels of physical stress, PRPs spring into action by boosting our immune activity. They do this by encouraging the production of cytokines, which are special proteins that assist in communicating between cells, especially during immune responses.

However, PRPs don’t just ramp up our defenses; they also work to keep things balanced. For example, when your immune system is healthy and responding to environmental factors by producing cytokines, PRPs can tell certain cells to slow down or stop making cytokines. This way, they ensure your immune system doesn’t overreact and remains balanced.

PRPs also play a key role in regulating the thymus gland, the control center for your body’s immune system. If your immune system isn’t responding as strongly as it should be, PRPs can stimulate it to work harder. On the other hand, if your immune system is overactive, PRPs can calm it down. This balance is achieved by controlling the production of lymphocytes and T-cells, types of white blood cells involved in immune responses.

Lastly, PRPs may help lessen minor symptoms related to allergies, as well as reduce tenderness and swelling. These proteins are incredibly versatile and vital in maintaining our body’s health and balance.

Key Benefits of PRPs

We truly believe in the healing power of Colostrum, and we want you to experience it for yourself. That’s why we’re offering a 30-day risk-free trial. 

Take this opportunity to see the restorative results firsthand. If you don’t notice a difference, you’ll get your money back. It’s a chance to support your health and wellbeing without any risk.

100% Natural Formula. No Prescription Necessary

Colostrum: Nature's Multifaceted Answer to Health and Wellness

Unparalleled Immune Support

Rich in immunoglobulins, Colostrum provides robust defense against bacterial and viral infections. These natural antibodies act as a shield, bolstering your immune system and maintaining your body's health at its best.

Nourishing Gut Health

The health of your gut is fundamental to your overall well-being. Colostrum’s high content of growth factors and immune factors repair damage to the intestinal lining, promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, and enhance nutrient absorption. The result? A healthier, happier gut.

Healthy Inflammatory Response

Colostrum is a natural anti-inflammatory powerhouse, assisting the body in maintaining a balanced inflammatory response. Its unique composition helps keep inflammation in check, contributing to an overall healthier body.

Enhanced Physical Performance

For those keen on improving their physical performance, Colostrum serves as a vital ally. Its rich composition of growth factors and amino acids helps increase endurance, reduce recovery time, and enhance muscle healing post-workouts.

Optimized Nervous System Function

The IGF-1 growth factor found in Colostrum supports brain function and a healthy nervous system. This incredible substance is just another reason Colostrum holds the key to a healthier, more vibrant you.

Skin Health and Anti-Aging

Colostrum may be the secret to healthier skin and a youthful glow. Emerging studies suggest that Colostrum promotes skin health and may slow the aging process, providing you with the gift of radiance from within.

Accelerated Healing and Repair

Experience the healing potential of Colostrum. The growth factors it contains can accelerate the healing of injuries, promote the repair of muscle and skin tissue, and facilitate cellular growth and repair. It's nature's very own restorative elixir.

Choose your Colostrum


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By clicking "SUBSCRIBE" you agree to add 1 bottle of Mojo 8.5 to your order today. You authorize to charge your credit card $87.96 to process and ship you 1 bottle of Mojo 8.5 . Then, every 30 days, $87.96 will be charged to your card for one bottle thereafter. You can cancel at anytime by emailing us at

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Each serving of Mojo 8.5 has proven natural cognitive aids.

(Click on each ingredient to learn more about the potential benefits.)


Jiaogulan, a versatile herb, is celebrated for its potential to support overall well-being...

Himalayan Goji

Himalayan Goji, a nutrient-rich fruit, is valued for its potential contribution to overall...


Acai, a nutrient-dense berry, is recognized for its potential to enhance overall well-being...

Schisandra Fruit

Schisandra Fruit, a unique berry, is renowned for its potential to contribute...

Peruvian Maca

Peruvian Maca, a nutrient-packed root, is celebrated for its potential to enhance...

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea, a robust herb, is admired for its potential to support overall wellness...

American Ginseng

American Ginseng, a revered herb, is prized for its potential to contribute to overall...

Asian Licorice Root

Asian Licorice Root, a versatile herb, is valued for its potential to support overall wellness...

Astragalus Root

Astragalus Root, a powerful herb, is respected for its potential to contribute to overall...

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi Mushroom, a highly-regarded fungus, is esteemed for its potential to enhance...


Catuaba, a potent herb, is appreciated for its potential to contribute to overall...


Guarana, a powerful plant, is celebrated for its potential to support overall wellness...


Ashwagandha, a revered adaptogenic herb, is acclaimed for its potential to support...

Bulgarian Tribulus

Enhance athletic performance, improve circulation, improve sexual performance...

Horny Goat Weed

Increase para-sympathetic nervous activity, mitigate osteoporosis, improve...

100% Natural Formula. No Prescription Necessary

Every Order Comes With Our No Questions Asked, EMPTY BOTTLE GUARANTEE

We are so confident in the unique combination of ingredients inside each bottle of cell Mojo 8.5 that we offer a 100%, no questions asked, no hassle whatsoever, 30 day money back guarantee.

How can we give such a ludicrous guarantee? Simple. We have spent 100s of $1000s of dollars in 3rd party testing and re-testing to ensure that our formula is of the highest quality.

We do not cut corners with our formula.  We ensure each small batch of Mojo 8.5 is made with the highest standards.

However, we also understand no two people are the same.

‍That’s why if you happen to fall in the small group of people who do not see and feel the positive results of Mojo 8.5, then return your order and send us an email to, and we will send you instructions on how to refund your purchase.

Every Order Comes With Our No Questions Asked, EMPTY BOTTLE GUARANTEE


Our Colostrum is a product of unrivaled quality, the result of a unique process founded on stringent guidelines and ethical principles. The brainchild of Dr. Andrew Keech, the world’s leading expert in colostrum, it is produced using a patented extraction process (U.S. Patent No. 7,547,770), setting it apart from other products on the market.

One aspect that sets our Colostrum apart is the priority given to the calf’s wellbeing. Dr. Keech insists that the colostrum produced by the cow at birth, and on days one and three, is reserved exclusively for the calf. This principle ensures that no compromises are made on the calf’s weight gain, growth patterns, and overall development. The calf’s welfare always comes first.

The cows that produce our Colostrum are grass-fed, as per their natural diet, reinforcing the purity and nutritional value of the colostrum. Moreover, antibiotics are strictly prohibited 30 days before calving, and the use of growth hormones is not allowed, ensuring that our product is natural, antibiotic-free, and hormone-free.

The safety and purity of our Colostrum are non-negotiable. Each batch undergoes 45 different lab tests to screen for potential contaminants, including drug residues or heavy metals. This rigorous process ensures the non-GMO status of our product and confirms its antibiotic and hormone-free quality.

What also makes our Colostrum special is the high concentration of Proline-Rich Polypeptides (PRPs) it contains. PRPs are known for enhancing immune activity, particularly during times of intense physical stress, by stimulating the production of cytokines. Every batch of GS Immuno PRP Pro contains a minimum of 12% PRPs, underlining our commitment to superior quality and effectiveness.

These factors all contribute to our Colostrum’s uniqueness, showcasing Dr. Keech’s wisdom as a leading colostrum expert and his understanding of dairy farming. His vision and commitment to health and quality have ensured that our Colostrum stands alone in the world, produced in this unique, ethical, and meticulous manner. You’re not just buying a product; you’re investing in a piece of scientific expertise dedicated to promoting better health and wellbeing.

frequently asked questions

Infant mammals need mother’s milk because it is rich in immunoglobulins, antimicrobial peptides, and growth factors. However, colostrum, the first milk, is particularly efficient in enhancing the immunity of offspring in early life. It has long been recognized that breast-feeding babies enhances their immunity and gut health.

Colostrum, the first three to five days of Mothers milk after birth (in all mammals) is not milk, it’s colostrum, and is loaded with immune factors, growth factors, loaded with messages to turn on the genes in baby’s gut with protective proteins and all the nutrients the newborn needs to survive. Colostrum activates the newborn’s immune system, and growth factors help complete the development of the gut, which is not fully developed at the time of birth. For example, every newborn baby is born with intestinal permeability (IP) (what we call ‘Leaky Gut’). But IP is normal in utero while baby is developing. After baby is born, those tight junctions on the inside lining of the gut have to tighten up. That’s one of the many guiding messages baby receives from colostrum. Newborns who do not receive colostrum typically face many more health challenges.

Proper functioning of the immune system, particularly in the gut, is intrinsic to good brain growth and development, as many autoimmune disorders target brain tissues. And we know the ‘Gateway’ in the development of many autoimmune diseases is excess intestinal permeability, the ‘Leaky Gut’. It is well known that brain function is tied directly to gut function. The ratio of instructional messages is 9 to 1. For every 1 message from the brain going down giving instruction to the gut, there are 9 messages from the gut going up giving instruction to the brain. A healthy gut promotes a healthy brain.

Until the 20th century colostrum was our main source of immune protection against many infectious diseases. Over the last fifty years or so, scientists have begun to identify many different components that make it up. It has become clear that many of the substances in colostrum function as signal transducers that turn on or off genes activating different cell functions, particularly those of the immune system.

In England and Scandinavia, colostrum is a traditional tonic and folk remedy — the first milking of a cow following a calving is traditionally made into a pudding called beestings. Ayurvedic medicine has used colostrum for thousands of years in India. Hieroglyphic texts show colostrum was used by the ancient Egyptians. The notoriously healthy Masai tribesmen in Kenya drink bovine colostrum by the liter and they sing songs of praise to colostrum for the health it gives them.

Prior to 1950, colostrum was intensively studied and used for its immune-boosting powers and as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. With the advent of sulfa drugs, antibiotics, and other synthetic drugs, interest in natural remedies waned for more than forty years.

Prior to 1980 colostrum was harvested in North America from buffalo and goats. Post-1980s, colostrum has been sourced from cows. All mammalian colostrum contains these signal transducers (messengers) in their natural state. However, some companies remove these messengers to increase the IgG levels of the colostrum.

Care must be taken to preserve the bioavailability of colostrum. The cows must be organically raised and pasture-fed to ensure that the colostrum contains natural antibodies to a wide variety of pathogens. Grass used for feed should be grown on DDT-free soil. The cows should also be given neither hormones nor antibiotics.

After collection, the colostrum should be frozen or cooled below 40°F to maintain freshness until it reaches the processing plant. At the plant, the frozen colostrum must be thawed and then homogenized to restore the casein micelles that protect the proteins. Freezing colostrum does not damage its proteins if done properly. Processing should be done daily to ensure freshness and maximum quality.

First- and second-milking colostrum are the richest in immunoglobulins, growth factors, and peptides, with a higher percentage of IgG immune cells, which is responsible for establishing systemic immunity, than subsequent milkings. It is also lower in lactose than subsequent milkings.

As with any dairy product, the colostrum may be pasteurized to guarantee safety. Most producers of colostrum use ultra high temperature (UHT) sterilization that can destroy up to 58% of the IgG in colostrum and impact the ability of lactoferrin to inhibit bacterial growth.

Following pasteurization, the colostrum is dried into a fine pale yellow powder. Many producers spray dry, which introduces nitrogen oxide chemicals into the colostrum. Freeze drying is gentler but more costly than spray drying and can only be done in smaller volumes.

Following drying, the colostrum should be agglomerated to produce consistently-sized particles. This allows the colostrum to more readily dissolve in liquid.

Most manufacturers stop here, but high-quality colostrum will include a lipid coating that forms liposomes (lipid globules) around the proteins for protection and easy absorption in the gut. This replicates the globules in milk produced in the mammary gland and provides the best possible delivery system for the colostrum.

The best liposomes are formed using the same phospholipids found in milk globules and which also make up the cell membranes of all cells in the body: phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, and sphingomyelin.

Phospholipids are soluble in both water and oil and remain intact without being digested or degraded until they reach the gut lining. There they fuse with the cell membranes in the gut lining before passing to the bloodstream.

There are no known complications with taking colostrum. A few people (about 1 out of 25) may have a little bloating or gas-just cut down the dosage and step it up slowly. Colostrum can be taken any time during the day. Some find it relaxing taken at night and assists with falling asleep (like a warm glass of milk is known to do). It has been determined that 2 grams of colostrum per kilogram body weight can be taken very safely.

Colostrum research has documented benefits from dosages ranging from 2 to 60 grams per day with no known contraindications, side effects or allergic reactions. It is safe for those with lactose intolerance.

Colostrum products in the marketplace worldwide vary in composition, potency, and quality. This makes it difficult to assign one dosage to cover them all. Most manufacturers suggest 1 to 2 grams per day for maintenance and up to 10 grams a day if under stress or ill. The high doses of up to 60 grams a day are specific for extreme sport performance.

Colostrum has been shown in clinical trials to prevent disease in children. Rough guidelines suggest giving children half the daily adult dose and infants one-quarter the daily adult dose.

The amount of lactose in 1 gram of colostrum is about equal to that in 1.5 ml, or one-third a teaspoon, of milk. Lactose intolerant people can often tolerate 240ml of milk per day.

Lactose intolerance creates an imbalance in specific immune cytokines in the body that colostrum can actually normalize or modulate.

Colostrum’s insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) has been shown to help burn fat, build lean body mass, lower bad cholesterol (LDL), raise good cholesterol (HDL), and stabilize elevated blood sugar levels.

A few people experience a Herxheimer reaction when first starting with colostrum. This occurs in only a very few people and is short-lived. Drinking a glass of water when one experiences this type of adverse reaction can help prevent toxins from being redeposited in body tissue.

No drug interaction with colostrum are known. However, it is always advised that individuals taking medication prescribed by a physician first seek medical advice.

Bovine (cow) colostrum holds more benefit for humans past the newborn stage than human colostrum because it contains significantly more IgG, which helps establish better overall immunity. Other than that, bovine colostrum is essentially bioidentical to human colostrum.

Proteins and Peptides

Colostrum is rich in proteins and peptides, which play a crucial role in development of the immune system and in the prevention and therapy of various disorders. For example, Secretory IgA (sIgA) is arguably the most important 1st line of defense in our immune system to fight any bugs, bacteria, viruses or mold we may be exposed to. It grabs onto the culprit and won’t let go so the bacteria can’t bind to the inside of our gut and reproduce-it just gets escorted out in the stool. That’s a primary job of sIgA. Two weeks of taking colostrum daily has been shown to increase sIgA by 32%. Twelve weeks of taking colostrum has been shown to increase sIgA by 79%.

The following constituents are of particular interest:

Lactoferrin (LF): Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor activities. Protects the intestinal epithelium, promotes bone growth, and accelerates immune system recovery. 

  • Proline-Rich Polypeptides (PRPs): Promotes T cell maturation, inhibits autoimmune disorders, dramatically reduces inflammation in the brain and has been shown to arrest, improve, or stabilize Alzheimer’s symptoms.
  • Casein: Promotes bone marrow production, reduces tumor growth, diminishes colicky symptoms in infants, has antihypertensive effects, and exhibits antibacterial and antithrombotic activities. Colostrums can vary fro 0.6% casein (our product) to over 3%.
  • Alpha lactalbumin (LA): Demonstrates antiviral, antitumor and anti-stress properties. LA-enriched diets have been shown to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure in rats, prevent diarrhea, and improve weight gain in malnourished children. 
  • Lysozyme: Effective in treatment of periodontitis and prevention of tooth decay; supports premature infants.
  • Lactoperoxidase: Antibacterial properties. 
  • Defensins: Antibacterial properties.
  • Toll-like Receptors: Help the immune system recognize new pathogens.
  • Cathelicidin-derived Antimicrobial Peptide: Antimicrobial activity. Particularly effective against antibiotic resistant pathogens found in AIDS and cystic fibrosis patients.
  • Glycoproteins: Inhibit pathogens from entering the bloodstream. 
  • Kappa-caseino glycomacropeptide: Interferes with the binding of viruses and bacteria in the intestine, binds cholera and E. coli toxins, promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, and helps modulate the immune system.
  • Fatty Acid Binding Protein: Regulates pathways that coordinate inflammatory activity and cholesterol uptake.
  • Orosomucoids: Anti-inflammatory mediator, particularly in the endothelium of capillaries where it inhibits the effect of histamine.
  • Hemopexin: Antioxidant function, anti-inflammatory, plays a key role in modulating nitric oxide, suppresses tumor growth. 
  • Haptoglobin: Antioxidant.
  • Nucleotides: Enhances immunity.

Growth Factors 

Colostrum contains many growth factors to complete the development of the newborn gut. However, in older children and adults they repair damage to the gut lining, wounds, broken bones, and injured tendons and ligaments. Growth factors, like PRPs, are generally peptides that turn on or turn off the production of specific proteins in the target cells.

  • Colony-stimulating factor-1 (macrophage colony-stimulating factor): Stimulates stem cells in the marrow.
  • Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF): Maintains gut integrity and promotes wound healing.
  • Betacellulin: Appears to play a role in the growth and development of the neonatal gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF): Promotes healing of wounds and ulcers and bone repair.
  • Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF): Promotes immune function.
  • Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1): Helps speed healing of bones. increaes muscle mass, regenerate peripheral nerves, and help develop newborn gut.
  • Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-2): Promotes fetal growth and arterial cell growth.
  • Insulin: May act as a growth hormone. 
  • Platelet-derived growth factor: Promotes wound, ulcer, and bone healing
  • Transforming growth factor-alpha: Helps with brain injury.
  • Transforming growth factor-beta:  Important in the development of cartilage and bone.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF): Helps heal ligament and tendon injuries.
IgG products are typically derived from milk whey and not colostrum and hence usually lacking in various beneficial compounds. Removing the curd increases but also removes bioactives that make the overall effect more beneficial.

Since 1999 (the earliest research paper we’ve read), PRPs have shown great promise in slowing and even reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. PRPs have been also successfully used in the treatment of epilepsy, indicating that they may potentially be of benefit in a variety of neurological conditions.

PRPs suppress an overactive immune system as often seen in the autoimmune diseases and are highly anti-inflammatory. This can be beneficial for neurological autoimmunity and inflammation. In one study, forty six Alzheimer Disease patients were divided into 3 groups and randomly assigned to receive orally either PRPs (100 μg per tablet, every second day), commercially available bioorganic selenium (100 μg selenium per tablet, every second day) or placebo tablets. For one year, each group did 3 weeks on, 2 weeks off. At the end of the year outcomes were assessed by psychiatrists blinded to the treatment assignment. Eight of the 15 AD patients treated with PRPs improved and in the 7 others the disease had stabilized. In contrast, none of the 31 patients from the selenium or placebo groups with similar mild or moderate AD improved. 

Gut Health

Colostrum restores leaky gut to normal permeability levels. It contains growth factors and hormones to help repair damage to the intestinal lining, including damage caused by NSAIDs and other medications, and restore gut integrity. It contains massive doses of immunoglobulins which help control harmful bacteria and fungi, such as Candida, in order to restore orthobiosis. It has been clinically proven to control such harmful bacteria as H. pylori, which cause ulcers, and many others. Colostrum has also been shown to increase the surface area of the intestinal lining, improving the absorption of nutrients. There are no known side effects from using colostrum. 

Immune Health

Colostrum is unmatched as an immune system stimulant and modulator. It is not only able to stimulate the immune system in a multitude of ways but also has the ability to modulate the immune response, turning it up or down as needed.

Autoimmunity and inflammation often play a primary role in neurodegenerative disorders. Supporting immune modulation can be one way to help dampen neuroinflammation. 

Mediation of Neurodegeneration

Neurodegeneration, the progressive dying-off of nerve cells, occurs throughout life, presenting as childhood and adult onset neurologic disorders, such as epilepsy, MS, etc.; as a result of stroke and trauma; during chronic pain syndromes; or resulting from drug and alcohol abuse, schizophrenia, or other psychological disorders; and through typical age-related disorders such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, etc.

PRPs influence those mechanisms likely to have widespread application for treating a variety of neurological diseases and injuries. PRPs were recently found to improve or stabilize Alzheimer’s disease patients. And new science identifies PRP for brain cell protection. Data suggests PRPs may delay cellular aging and aid in the prevention and/or therapy of diseases associated with the aging process.

When given orally, PRPs have been shown to have a stabilizing effect on cognitive functions in improving the conditions of patients suffering from mild and moderate Alzheimer’s.

Although more studies are required to further understand how PRPs work, it clearly has a potential benefit in the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative disorders, especially those of the central nervous system. With no identified side-effects.


Studies are now showing significant gains in fitness with colostrum supplementation. A widely reported study in Australia found a 20% increase in strength, stamina and shortened recovery time for both soccer players and cyclists. 

With its growth and immune factors, colostrum cuts recovery time, boosts immune function, reduces susceptibility to infection after exercise, helps heal leaky gut, and speeds the healing of muscle, tendon, and ligament injuries.

Chronic Fatigue

PRPs have helped those with chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome, especially when it’s related to a virus. This may require increased dosages. If not successful, specific PRPs may need to be explored. 

Success with PRPs in chronic fatigue syndrome secondary to herpes has been well-documented. A study on the effect of PRPs on the course of multiple sclerosis showed that it retarded the progression of the disease in mild to moderate cases.

GS Immuno Pro is the highest quality colostrum on the planet (second to none). Dr. Andrew Keech was born and raised on a dairy farm and learned very early in life that colostrum was the first and usually only treatment needed for the family whenever they got sick. He grew up wanting to make the best colostrum available to the world. So he studied and studied, and received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering because “I knew no one knew how to preserve the high quality of colostrum making it available to the world.” His grass-fed, no antibiotic or growth hormone methodology of collection captured all of the potency of fresh colostrum in powder or capsules. GS Immuno Pro is that colostrum and is what my family and I take on a regular basis as maintenance and support to our immune system. When feeling low, or if someone is diagnosed with brain dysfunction or an autoimmune disease, GS Immuno PRP Pro is the exact same colostrum with added proline-rich peptides. It’s the ‘supercharged’ version of this highest quality product. We usually recommend 3 months of the GS Immuno PRP Pro, with ongoing GS Immuno Pro as maintenance afterwards. An exception to this is someone is diagnosed with brain dysfunction (depression, anxiety, schizophrenia…), all the way up to mild Alzheimer’s Disease, as referenced above, using the PRPs more long-term may be extremely helpful. That’s why the GS Immuno PRP spray was developed-to use the PRPs directly as an added boost in the bodies ability to reduce brain inflammation.

Quoting Dr. Keech, “there are many one-note players in the world of nutritional therapy that help with healing a ‘Leaky Gut’. Only colostrum plays the entire symphony”.


  8. Gershon, Michael, The Second Brain: A Groundbreaking New Understanding of Nervous
 Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine Paperback – November 17, 1999

About Sun Horse Energy

Sun Horse Energy is mission-driven and laser-focused on one thing: ensuring that you Adapt and Thrive. We want you to live your best life, and we believe our adaptogenic energy supplements will help you do just that.

We’re committed to sourcing and providing the highest quality, organic adaptogens from around the world. Why? Because the higher quality the herbs and the more skillfully they’re formulated the more effective they are. And since we are all 100% guaranteed to experience stress (which adaptogens fight best), we want you to have the best weapon against it.

We bring nature’s most effective metabolic warriors to our lab in Encinitas, CA and handcraft adaptogenic formulas that bring you back into balance, supply you with steady sustained energy, and support you against the daily siege of stress.

We’re passionate about our health and yours. If we have our way, we’ll all have long, full, happy lives – working and playing hard, hanging out with the people and animals we love, and being good to this planet that’s been so good to us.

We love making a difference in people’s lives. There’s nothing better than the smiles we see when people discover the power and pleasure of Sun Horse adaptogens. It’s why we’re smiling, too!

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Jiaogulan, a versatile herb, is celebrated for its potential to support overall well-being. Known for its adaptogenic properties, Jiaogulan may help the body cope with stress and maintain balance. This remarkable herb has also been associated with promoting healthy energy levels, boosting endurance, and fostering a sense of calm and relaxation.

Himalayan Goji

Himalayan Goji, a nutrient-rich fruit, is valued for its potential contribution to overall wellness. This superfood is believed to support the immune system, promote healthy energy levels, and aid in maintaining balance within the body. With its antioxidant properties, Himalayan Goji may help protect cells from environmental stressors.


Acai, a nutrient-dense berry, is recognized for its potential to enhance overall well-being. Rich in antioxidants, Acai may help support the body’s defenses against environmental stressors, while promoting healthy energy levels and vitality.

Schisandra Fruit

Schisandra Fruit, a unique berry, is renowned for its potential to contribute to overall wellness. Boasting adaptogenic properties, it may help the body adapt to stress and maintain equilibrium. Schisandra Fruit has also been linked to promoting healthy energy levels, mental clarity, and supporting the body’s natural defense

Peruvian Maca

Peruvian Maca, a nutrient-packed root, is celebrated for its potential to enhance overall well-being. Known for its adaptogenic qualities, Maca may help the body manage stress and maintain balance. This powerful root has also been associated with promoting healthy energy levels, endurance, and supporting hormonal balance.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea, a robust herb, is admired for its potential to support overall wellness. As an adaptogen, Rhodiola Rosea may help the body cope with stress and maintain balance. This remarkable herb has been linked to promoting mental clarity, healthy energy levels, and increased endurance.

American Ginseng

American Ginseng, a revered herb, is prized for its potential to contribute to overall well-being. With adaptogenic properties, it may assist the body in managing stress and maintaining harmony. American Ginseng has also been associated with promoting mental alertness, healthy energy levels, and supporting the immune system.

Asian Licorice Root

Asian Licorice Root, a versatile herb, is valued for its potential to support overall wellness. Known for its adaptogenic properties, it may help the body cope with stress and maintain balance. This remarkable root has also been linked to promoting healthy digestion, respiratory function, and supporting the immune system.

Astragalus Root

Astragalus Root, a powerful herb, is respected for its potential to contribute to overall well-being. Renowned for its immune-supporting properties, Astragalus Root may help fortify the body’s natural defenses. Additionally, this remarkable root has been associated with promoting healthy energy levels, heart health, and supporting the body’s ability to adapt to stress.

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi Mushroom, a highly-regarded fungus, is esteemed for its potential to enhance overall wellness. With adaptogenic properties, Reishi Mushroom may help the body manage stress and maintain balance. This extraordinary mushroom has also been linked to promoting immune system support, healthy energy levels, and fostering a sense of calm and relaxation.


Catuaba, a potent herb, is appreciated for its potential to contribute to overall well-being. Known for its adaptogenic qualities, Catuaba may help the body cope with stress and maintain balance. This remarkable herb has also been associated with promoting mental alertness, healthy energy levels, and fostering a sense of vitality.


Guarana, a powerful plant, is celebrated for its potential to support overall wellness. Rich in natural caffeine, Guarana may help promote mental alertness, focus, and healthy energy levels. This remarkable plant has also been associated with supporting endurance and enhancing physical performance.


Ashwagandha, a revered adaptogenic herb, is acclaimed for its potential to support overall well-being. Known for helping the body manage stress and maintain balance, Ashwagandha may also contribute to healthy energy levels and mental clarity. This remarkable herb has been associated with promoting relaxation, supporting the immune system, and fostering vitality.

Bulgarian Tribulus

Enhance athletic performance, improve circulation, improve sexual performance, more efficient rates of protein synthesis

Horny Goat Weed

Increase para-sympathetic nervous activity, mitigate osteoporosis, improve libido, enhance smooth muscle tissue function

  • Treatment for erectile problems and nerve injuries in human patients:
  • Prevents thickening or hardening of the arteries through multiple mechanisms, including attenuating DNA damage, correcting endothelial dysfunction, inhibiting the proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells, repressing macrophage-derived foam cell formation and inflammatory responses, as well as preventing platelet activation:

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Coriolus Versicolor

Coriolus Versicolor, a remarkable mushroom, is esteemed for its potential to contribute to overall wellness. Known for its immune-supporting properties, Coriolus Versicolor may help strengthen the body’s natural defenses. This extraordinary mushroom has also been associated with promoting healthy energy levels, supporting digestion, and fostering vitality.

Fo Ti

Fo Ti, a revered Chinese herb also known as He Shou Wu, is valued for its potential to support overall wellness. Traditionally used for promoting vitality and longevity, Fo Ti may contribute to maintaining healthy energy levels, cognitive function, and immune system performance. This remarkable herb has also been associated with supporting liver and kidney health, as well as fostering a sense of overall balance


Agave, a versatile desert plant native to the Americas, is recognized for its potential to support overall wellness. Rich in natural fibers and low-glycemic sweeteners, Agave may contribute to maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, digestive health, and providing a natural alternative to refined sugars.

Maral Root

Maral Root, a potent adaptogenic herb native to Siberia, is celebrated for its potential to contribute to overall well-being. Known for helping the body manage stress and maintain balance, Maral Root may also promote healthy energy levels, endurance, and cognitive function. This exceptional herb has been associated with supporting the immune system, fostering vitality, and enhancing physical performance.

  • Antioxidant and DNA Repair Stimulating Effect of Extracts from Transformed and Normal Roots of Rhaponticum carthamoides against Induced Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage in CHO Cells:


NotoGinseng, a distinct variety of Panax ginseng native to the Changbai Mountains, is esteemed for its potential to contribute to overall well-being. Renowned for its adaptogenic properties, Noto Ginseng may help the body manage stress and maintain balance. This exceptional herb has been linked to supporting cognitive function, promoting healthy energy levels, and boosting immune system performance.


Baicalin, a potent bioflavonoid derived from the Scutellaria baicalensis plant, is appreciated for its potential to promote overall wellness. With its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Baicalin may help protect cells from oxidative stress and maintain a balanced response to inflammation. This remarkable compound has been associated with supporting liver health, promoting cardiovascular function, and fostering a sense of vitality.

Purple Lapacho

Purple Lapacho, a unique and potent herb, is valued for its potential to support overall well-being. Known for its immune-boosting properties, Purple Lapacho may help fortify the body’s natural defenses. This remarkable herb has also been associated with promoting healthy energy levels, supporting digestion, and fostering vitality.

Holy Basil

Holy Basil has been found to protect organs and tissues against chemical stress from industrial pollutants and heavy metals, and physical stress from prolonged physical exertion. It has also been shown to counter metabolic stress through normalization of blood glucose, blood pressure and lipid levels.

Gotu Kola

The main group of components in gotu kola is the triterpenes including asiaticoside, madecassoside, asiatic acid, and madecassic acid, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are shown to positively influence brain plasticity which means a much sharper you.

  • Exhibits significant wound healing ability, Improves microcirculatory parameters, Sedative and anxiolytic properties, Antidepressant, Re-vitalize the brain and nervous system, increase attention span and concentration and combat aging:

Water Hyssop

Best known as a neural tonic and memory enhancer this powerful herb increases cerebral blood flow and neurotransmitter modulation.

Green Tea Extract

Healthy energy producer and one of the more researched and promising supplements. It upregulates fat metabolism at rest and during exercise. In recent years the consumption of Green Tea Extract has shown to help prevent lifestyle diseases like cardiovascular disease because of it’s preventative effects on chronic inflammation.

  • Helps with weight loss by increasing a protein hormone which is involved in regulating glucose levels as well
    as fatty acid breakdown:
  • Decrease cholesterol absorption and plasma levels, has strong free radical-scavenging
    activity inhibiting LDL oxidation, reduce the adhesion molecule expression, has antitrombotic activities by inhibiting platelet aggregation: 

Mikania Guaco

“Guaco” is Sun Horse Energy founder Dan Moriarty’s favorite herb, and the reason why he’s still alive. Traditionally, it’s a well-known herb for snake bites, scorpion stings and other venomous creatures. Guaco acts as a non-steroidal bronchodilator, meaning it opens up the airways without steroids. As a result of guaco opening up the airways, the alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs) are better able to accept oxygen transfer and get rid of carbon dioxide. In Brazil, Guaco syrup is one of the most popular herbal medicines used to treat the symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis, cough and hoarseness.

Osha Root

A traditional Native American herb, Osha is also known as “Bear Root”. Native Americans noticed that when bears emerged from hibernation, the first thing they did after being in a state of torpor for 4 months was not feast on salmon or drink water, but rather, dig up osha and eat it. Why? It decongests and wakes up the lungs. Native Americans who used Osha were able to run further, and treat their colds and congestion. Modern research studies suggest Osha may support the immune system by offering protective effects against oxidative damage.

I want to thank you for your existence. I want you to know that functional medicine has changed my life, well the life of my autistic son. So much so that I plan on taking the Functional Medicine Health Coach Certificate and work with my new friend who is now a Functional Medicine Doctor from the Institute of Functional Medicine and spread the word on GI testing and how finding the underlying issues will help eliminate autistic traits. 

I hope to be able to meet you one day so I can share this great news with others. Changing my son’s diet has changed him. Food is medicine!! By the way, I’m cooking my rutabaga. I’m Italian and never grew up with these. With love.

Rita Mastrangelo

I found you on YouTube a couple of weeks ago and I’m hooked. I listen to you a couple of hours every morning. I am being tested for celiac disease and have been gluten-free for a couple of weeks. Thank you for all of your insight.

April Renee

Just wanted to tell you that you’re amazing! You are helping so many people all over the world! Including me! Thank you so very much, Dr. Tom O’Bryan!

Patricia Puddle

Good morning Dr. Tom, Would just like to say thank you! This time last year I was going through a hell of a time with my gut. Terrible indigestion on a regular basis, feeling as if I had eaten a boulder and the tiredness was doing my heed (scottish for head) in! With two young girls being tired is not an option!

I went to the doctors on a number of occasions and they decided to prescribe omeprazole to mask the problem, sorry help my problem. I decided taking these drugs was not an option for me! So I started googling the life out of it!! Low and behold you started popping up!! Oh and Gluten intolerance! 

Your advice has been second to none! You have in my case really simplified what gluten does to my body and now that I have cut it out (which as it appears in lots of foods, some I can’t understand) I have found that my symptoms very quickly reduced and now I’m a year down the line they have gone for the vast majority of the time!! For that I’m truly grateful. I now follow you on YouTube and Instagram, which continues to educate me and the importance of gut health. I look forward to your future advice. Yours faithfully,

Gary Christie

Black Ant Extract

A Chinese medicine tonic, Black Ant is used to support energy levels. (In traditional Chinese medicine, Black Ant is given to increase vital Qi.) Research studies demonstrate that Black Ant supports the function of the thymus gland, which plays a crucial role in the immune system, producing and activating lymphocytes.

Siberian Ginseng

This well known adaptogen has been proven to reduce cardiovascular stress, lower and stabilize blood sugar to healthy levels, and encourages a more efficient lipid metabolism.

Pine Bark Extract

Many studies have shown that pine bark possesses anti-aging properties. It’s very similar in nature to the well-known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, resveratrol, which is abundant in red wine and grapes. Pine bark has a proven beneficial effect on lipids, the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Lion's Mane

A very yummy and medicinal mushroom is a well established candidate for brain and nerve health because it triggers neurite outgrowth and regenerates damaged nerves. Lions Mane has been extensively studied for its neuro-health properties.


This is an enzyme/protein that speeds up biochemical reactions and helps to prevent and dissolve the formations of blood clots (thrombi); addresses the problem of blood hyperviscosity, thereby preventing thick and sticky blood, which is not conducive to overall cardiovascular health.


Referred to as the women’s ultimate power herb, by some herbal enthusiasts. Used in India for at least 3,000 years, Shatavari, is structurally similar to estrogen produced within the body. Some researchers have concluded shatavari can be a highly effective alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapy for peri- and menopausal women.

Chaste Tree Berry

Improve female libido, mitigate PMS, reproductive health


Cordyceps, a genus of mushroom, gained lots of attention after Chinese long-distance runners performed impressively at international competitions in the 1990s and early 2000s. Along with high-altitude training, supplementing with cordyceps was part of their intense training program. A research study concludes that cordyceps improves tolerance to high-intensity exercise after supplementation with it because the fungus is thought to increase blood flow, enhance oxygen utilization; it also acts as an antioxidant. It also has powerful anti-tumor properties, the ability to regulate the endocrine system, enhance your immune function, and protect the kidneys, lung, liver, and other organs.

  • Immunomodulatory, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities, promotion of endurance capacity, and learning-memory improvement, can be used to treat conditions such as hyposexuality, night sweats, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, asthenia, arrhythmias, and other heart, respiratory, renal and liver diseases:
  • Various pharmacological actions, including nephroprotective, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and antiapoptotic effects:

Ginkgo Biloba

In recent decades, an extract of the leaves of the tree Ginkgo biloba L. has been used to improve memory in disorders like Dementia disorders that affect memory and intellectual functioning, and are caused primarily by Alzheimer’s disease and vascular disorders.

  • Potent antioxidant properties and ability to enhance peripheral and cerebral circulation, ginkgo’s primary application lies in the treatment of cerebrovascular dysfunctions and peripheral vascular disorders:
  • Experimental results showed extracts of G.Biloba to upregulate protein expressions of BDNF:
  • The effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on cognitive functions in aged female rats;
  • The role of oxidative stress and brain-derived neurotrophic factor: