Base Hits

This is a powerful, foundational time with Dr. Tom, covering the pillars of your health and life.
Join Session 4 for $197!
(Or get all 4 Sessions for: $788… $597!)
This is over FORTY HOURS of time with Dr. Tom!!!
What topics will be covered?
- Skin
- Gut
- Body
- Home & Planet Regeneration
In the vault for you...
- Adrenals
- Adrenal Fatigue
- Thyroid
- ACTH Challenge
- Anxiety
- Brain Fog
- Fatigue
- Food Sensitivity
- Detoxification
- Immunity
- Inflammation
- Gut Permeability
Looking at the questions that have been roadblocking SO many people in my community is long overdue, and I am privileged to support you on this journey.
Every Monday, I’ll provide a lecture on the topics outlined, and answer all questions submitted, with:
The why is this happening to me?
The what do I do next?
The how do I do it?
Many of the questions and stories I’ve heard lately are heartbreaking people who have spent YEARS seeking solutions to autoimmune diseases, thyroid conditions, chronic pain, fatigue, and stubborn symptoms they can’t even diagnose.
So I’m planning to host a private, four-part exclusive training, where we will meet in a small supportive group of participants via video conference.
My goal is that you learn to implement the benefits described in my book, The Autoimmune Fix. What that means is a deep understanding, in your bones, of the why of what you are suffering with right now, and the BASE HITS required to reverse the direction your health is going in.
As a part of this program, if you need them, you will also have discounted access to some powerful products to jump start your experience with each of these modules at a significant discount.
If you have spent years suffering, way too much money, and frustration after frustration, trying to feel well again, this Private Group Training – from the comfort of your own home – is like a winning lottery ticket giving you the education and the tools and Base Hits to take control and rewrite your health story
I believe an experience like this, with such a strong focus, and the benefit of my 40+ years in practice, and a powerful introduction to these topics, will provide the equivalent of literally months of office visits and perhaps years of frustration.
Unfortunately, I just can’t allocate the time to work 1 on 1 with people very often. I have seen that I’m able to help more people by traveling the world and teaching Drs. Well, we’ve got a break in travel schedules right now. Only the privileged can afford 1 on 1 with me. But I love being a Sherlock Holmes, and helping people find the way to reverse the direction their health is going. We can do that here. That’s why it’s restricted to a small group. And I will do my best address all of your questions. Come join me.
During these 4 week sessions, I will share the most cutting-edge scientific and medically updated information I know of, responding to your questions and concerns.
What you can expect each week:
Live Q&A Training – you can submit your personal questions, to be answered by me.
Replay Recordings of all the Private Trainings (to use over and over to implement over time).
The Audio MP3s for Easy Access to Revisit and Reinforce the Learning
The Transcripts (for those who prefer to read instead of listen to review)
Other Supportive Materials & Handouts
10% off all of my Private Label supplements during the entire month each of session series. (You will be provided access to this special offer in a subsequent email, after you register for this program).
And I will send you the digital galley copy of my book, The Autoimmune Fix – at no cost, as my gift.
AND MORE… a downloadable Recipe Book to support you!
Take control of your health.
Together we will cover the pillars of your health and life.
Join Session 4 for $197!
(Or get all 4 Sessions for: $788… $597!)
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: THIS course and my training do not take the place of your personal medical team in any way. The opinions expressed are my own. The education contained within this program is not meant to replace the advice of a personalized health practitioner. Information is intended for attendees who are 18 years old and older. Refer to all federal, and state/provincial regulations for legislation around supplements and testing that I may mention.