Peace X Piece Wellness Coaching
Leslie is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. National Board-Certified Health and Wellness
Coach, Board-Certified Functional Wellness Coach, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Holistic
Health Practitioner, Certified Gluten-Free Practitioner, and Master’s Degree prepared Registered Nurse.
She holds additional advanced certifications in Nursing, Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), and
essential oils.
With over 40 years as a nurse and pain expertise in conventional, natural, and integrative therapies,
Leslie’s health coaching mission is to help committed, optimistic, family-focused individuals who’ve hit a
wall with joint pain, to turn it around naturally so that they can feel better, move better, live better.
Leslie consults with clients using functional lab testing to discover hidden or root causes of inflammation
and chronic joint pain that may be contributing to health issues and symptoms. She helps her clients
with in-home lab testing, personalized natural healing protocols, and the holistic coaching support they
need to naturally achieve freedom from chronic inflammation and joint pain.
Leslie’s family history and personal experience with auto-immune disease, and arthritis pain, inspire her
to help others overcome their health challenges so that their bodies work the way that they are
supposed to and that they can aspire to live pain-free, quality lives. She uses positive psychology
techniques and empathetic coaching support to help clients develop their health vision and goals,
embrace their values, and leverage their strengths to achieve their desired level of wellness.