The Gut and E3
You can get so much right but still get leaky gut - if you don’t have an every-day defense system in place.
Did you know?

There are a lot of products out there that take 3+ hours to break down wheat. They’re good products, but because they take so long to break down wheat, they’re protective of the large intestine, but not the small intestine. Quite simply, they don’t begin to take effect until after the foods get through the small intestine… after the damage (intestinal permeability… aka leaky gut) has already begun.
Why does this matter? Leaky gut is the primary trigger for activating the immune system and causes persistent inflammation throughout the body. Something we absolutely want to avoid right now, and save our precious immune system’s energy for where it is truly needed during this global health crisis.
- Product labels often do not identify gluten!
- Forget going to a restaurant? It is exasperating to figure out whether something is truly gluten - or allergen-free! Your server may not even know.
- And there are many hidden gluten sources, such as flour added to rice, sauces, gravies, and spices.

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